You’ll have to spend some time fiddling with the settings to get it the way you want it. To be honest with you, this application requires quite a bit of configuration. It’s pretty much a must-have for the Systems Administrators among us, but everybody can find something here to love. This free application lets you run Unix commands and display the output transparently on your Desktop. If you’ve ever wished that you didn’t have to drop into Terminal every time you wanted to run top, GeekTool is for you. And if you like iStat, be sure to check out the other stats applications on iSlayer’s website. The nerds are going to stare at this program for hours, but there’s a lot here for Joe Sixpacks, too. IStat’s geek lust factor is off the charts. All of the information can be configured and tweaked to fit your Mac lifestyle. Use iStat to keep an eye on your processor and memory utilization, your network status, your Mac’s uptime and load average, the temperatures and fan speeds, and even your battery’s health. His free application is far and away the best in its class. Fortunately, there are a number of great applications out there that can help us with this mundane (or should we say geeky?) task.
Menumeters macos pro#
MacBook Pro users can use the information to keep their portables cool, and the rest of us can locate processor hogs and RAM leaks. Knowing what your Mac is up to and help you keep it in tip-top shape. Which is a shame, when you think about it. And in the same vein, many Mac users don’t care about their computer’s inner workings. As long they can drive, they’re good to go. They don’t care whether or not their engine is overheating or their oil pressure’s jacked up or their car battery is about to conk out on them.

There are millions of car owners out there who will probably never look under the hood and see their vehicle’s engine.

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